tableware and table, disinfect mouth cup towel s every day, disinfect

tableware and table, disinfect mouth cup towel s every day, disinfect

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Li Xihong stressed that in addition to vaccination, protective measures should also be taken to prevent influenza, including wearing masks, washing hands frequently, and avoiding going to crowded places as far as possible during the flu epidemic season. Cough and sneeze cover nose and mouth with paper towels or towels and wash hands; avoid contact with eyes, nose and mouth as far as possible. When family members have influenza patients, they should try their best to avoid close contact, especially if there are elderly people and people with chronic diseases at home. When parents take influenza children to the hospital, they should protect the children and themselves at the same time (such as wearing masks) to avoid cross-infection. When influenza-like cases occur in schools, kindergartens and other collective units, patients should rest at home to reduce the spread of the disease. Our reporter Deng Xiaohong Wen / photo returns to Sohu to see more

When there are symptoms of heatstroke, do not panic, first of all, move the patient to a cool and ventilated environment to rest, take off clothes as far as possible to help dissipate heat; those with high body temperature can use wet cold towels or ice bags to cool the head, armpits and thighs for appropriate physical cooling. If the patient is conscious and does not have nausea and vomiting, you can drink a cool drink containing salt, or take antipyretic drugs such as Ren Dan, ten drops of water or Huoxiang Zhengqi water. For patients with severe high fever such as coma, convulsions, unconsciousness and so on, they should go to the regular hospital in time and be treated by a professional doctor.

tableware and table, disinfect mouth cup towel s every day, disinfect

This whole day, the child did not see good, also did not go to school, this day basically has been having a fever, the highest fever to 38.9 degrees, we are anxious, do not care too much. In the process of growing up, fever is inevitable, and proper fever is not a bad thing. When burning up, we take physical cooling methods: apply cooling stickers, wipe our bodies with wet towels, wipe our bodies with alcohol, soak our feet, and drink plenty of water. Give him paracetamol if he has a fever above 38.5 degrees. Usually, the body temperature will come down half an hour after taking it.

Morning inspection is the first item in the safety work of the kindergarten. There are two small doors in Beiling Primary School, and young children are easy to miss detection and disorderly. At present, we have further stepped up the morning examination, with a health worker at each door strictly checking to prevent infantile influenza, hand, foot and mouth disease and so on. When children live in the garden, disinfection is particularly important. Life teachers are required to do the following: disinfect tableware and table, disinfect mouth cup towels every day, disinfect toys every week, disinfect dormitories and activity rooms twice a day, keep windows open and ventilated, and health care doctors check the hygiene of each class regularly and irregularly, leaving absolutely no corner.

tableware and table, disinfect mouth cup towel s every day, disinfect

Swimming through the buoyancy of water, so that the whole body joints are not affected by gravity, but in almost completely relaxed movement, so it has a therapeutic effect on joints, especially knee joints and shoulder diseases. Swimming in water above 22 ℃ can relieve rheumatic pain, and swimming in warm water ranging from 35 to 36 ℃ can treat rheumatism. Water pressure is particularly beneficial to the flow of lymph and venous blood, so swimming also has a certain effect on soft tissue diseases. Patients should be prepared for a few minutes before launching, so that the body is hot, joints, muscles and tendons are relaxed and blood flow is unobstructed. Do not swim in cold water and dry with a towel immediately after landing in case you catch a cold. The amount of exercise should be moderate and do not overstrain the joints and tendons.

Empty milk teacups, withered flowers, oil-stained paper towels, glass fragments, dolls that are no longer liked by the owner, old sofa chairs and stools. According to incomplete statistics, urban residents produce about kg of domestic waste every day. More and more young people see the value of waste under the popular trend of “double carbon” environmental protection. They pick up the junk home and give it “recyclable value” and “recreated beauty” through creation.

tableware and table, disinfect mouth cup towel s every day, disinfect

During the special period, many sports that rely on venues and equipment can not be carried out, and teachers can only break the rules and redesign the contents of classes around home to meet the needs of students who can exercise at home. Towels, buckets, beverage bottles, benches, etc., have become equipment for students to attend classes.