be cleaned and disinfected. Public goods, towel s and slippers should

be cleaned and disinfected. Public goods, towel s and slippers should

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During the epidemic, swimming pools and public bathrooms are still not recommended, so it is not recommended to open swimming pools and public bathrooms. If it is opened again after the end of the epidemic, it is to do the relevant disinfection and cleaning work according to the routine, and the routine work is to maintain routine cleaning and regular disinfection. Central air conditioners should be cleaned and disinfected. Public goods, towels and slippers should also be cleaned and disinfected. Special attention should also be paid to the disinfection of swimming pool water and bath water. Thank you. 2020-03-0215 3415

01 to meet the requirements of prevention and control, to understand the epidemic prevention policy of the travel destination in advance; 02 to travel by plane or train should observe order, queue in an orderly manner, wear masks throughout the journey, disinfect them on the way, and minimize the number of meals on the means of transport. and properly keep the receipt for inquiry, and do a good job in health monitoring during the journey. 03 if there are respiratory symptoms such as fever or dry cough during travel, you should immediately stop the trip and choose the nearest fever clinic immediately; 04 when staying in a hotel, you should minimize exposure to public facilities and give priority to opening windows for ventilation. Other personal items such as towels, toothbrushes and water cups are recommended to bring with you; 05 minimize or avoid going to crowded areas, keep a safe distance and monitor your health.

5. Conscientiously do a good job in disinfection. Tableware should be cleaned and disinfected after use. Independently used toilets are disinfected once a day. The shared bathroom is disinfected every time it is used. The surfaces of objects that may come into contact with in daily life and the towels, clothing and quilt covers they use should be cleaned and disinfected in time. Wash your hands or disinfect your hands when preparing food, defecating before and after meals, taking off masks, etc. Articles contaminated by saliva, sputum, etc., are disinfected at any time. Recommended reading: disinfection advice for healthy China; disinfection advice for West China Hospital

be cleaned and disinfected. Public goods, towel s and slippers should

A good rule of thumb is for adults to apply one ounce (29.8ml) to the whole body at a time. As for younger adults and children, they have less body surface to be covered and can be proportionally reduced. Supplement sunscreen according to the label instructions. Wiping your body with a towel after swimming also removes sunscreen products and reduces the effectiveness of sunscreen. After wiping your body with a towel, you must replenish the sunscreen. Use sunscreen 15 to 30 minutes before sun exposure to make the product dry and adhere to the skin.

(2) Guest room equipment: in addition to professional equipment such as water supply and drainage, strong and weak electricity, air conditioning, HVAC, fire alarm and so on, equipment related to the direct use of guests, such as mini refrigerator, television, safe, subwoofer, stereo, electric kettle and, where possible, a desktop computer or a batch of spare laptop computers can be set up for guests to use. Bathroom equipment, such as shower, bathtub, washbasin, toilet, towel rack, shower curtain rod, towel rack, soap box, toilet carton, mouthwash cup holder, mouthwash cup, hairdryer, newspaper bag, SOS, dress rope.

In the safety management of newborns, we should strictly implement the sharing of mothers and infants in the same room, strengthen health education for parents, avoid choking milk and asphyxiation, avoid falling off the bed, holding the wrong baby, have family supervision to accompany any operation, and strictly implement the system of checking and checking, so as to ensure the safe implementation of diagnosis, treatment and nursing. Strict implementation of disinfection and isolation system, neonatal bath towels and other disinfection, hand washing before contact, special disinfection of neonatal articles with special infection, so that there is no cross-infection. Our hospital has just started, and neonatal pediatrics needs to be constantly studied and developed. In order to work smoothly and safely. I can unite and cooperate with my colleagues in the department, study together, make progress together, tide over the difficulties together, and be able to unite and cooperate with my colleagues in other departments.

be cleaned and disinfected. Public goods, towel s and slippers should

At 10:00 in the evening, a female rider dressed in yellow appeared at the door of the rest area. “Please take the temperature first, sweep the yard, and then come over here to get the supplies.” Under the guidance of the staff, Jiang Yanhong successively picked up quilts, washbasins, towels, instant noodles and water, and came to her own rest area. From this night on, she will stay at ease. She no longer has to worry about the problem of having no place to live in case the residence is blocked and controlled.