launched the rescue, first wrapped in towel s in the stuck

launched the rescue, first wrapped in towel s in the stuck

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Put the towels on the shelf before going to bed, then the towels will naturally dry this night, and you can use them the next day! Otherwise, the towel will always be wet… Just like people who do something and become famous, they will have a “positive effect”-the flywheel effect;

launched the rescue, first wrapped in towel s in the stuck

Beijing Hospital ambulance rental price and quotation-heat on call can weaken digestive function, resulting in loss of appetite of children, and can be given digestible and nutritious diet, such as milk, soybean milk, steamed eggs, porridge, cereal paste and so on. Should give the child more water, in order to facilitate body excretion, lower body temperature. When the heat is more than 38 °C, the physical cooling method can be used: use a small towel soaked in cold water to make a cold and wet compress on the forehead and pillow, warm compress with cold water in summer, and replace it every 3 to 5 minutes. When the heat is above 39 °C, scrub the limbs with ice water or 50% alcohol. From the head and neck, the outside of the arm to the back of the hand, and then from the armpit, the inside of the arm to the palm of the hand, the same is true of the lower limbs.

launched the rescue, first wrapped in towel s in the stuck

According to the situation at the scene, fire and rescue workers pacified the little girl while protecting her head with a towel, and then expanded the railing with hydraulic expansion pliers to increase the rescue space. About 3 minutes later, with the continuous expansion of the gap between the stair railings, the girl was successfully rescued, but fortunately it was not in danger.

launched the rescue, first wrapped in towel s in the stuck

At about 17:00 on February 21, a girl in Jiangmen was stuck in the toilet. According to reports at the scene, when the child went to the toilet, his hip was stuck by a toilet seat and could not move. Parents tried to remove it with pliers without success and called the police. After understanding the situation, firefighters immediately launched the rescue, first wrapped in towels in the stuck part, so as not to cause secondary injury, and then used manual hydraulic clippers to break the toilet ring, after about 10 minutes of tense treatment, the little girl was successfully rescued.

There are shower rooms, small garbage bins and handrails for mothers to sit down and get up in the bathroom. The consideration of this kind of handrail can be reflected in the entire ward area, and there are basically handrails in the corridor except for the door, so as to facilitate the pregnant women who are recovering. The bathroom is also equipped with a lot of disposable underwear, sanitary towels, towels and small soft bottles for flushing butts. First of all, disposable underwear, very soft and breathable, is definitely not the kind of rough and airtight disposable underwear bought in Chinese supermarkets. I would also like to talk about the small soft bottle used to flush the fart. Every time the pregnant woman goes to the toilet, she can use this small bottle of water to wash the butt. It is very easy to use and is much more convenient than Wei Zili.